8, March, 2021
Trump's America is the prime example of cutting regulation. Should we do more in Australia, or is that a slippery slope?
5, May, 2018
There is usually a tension between business and government. Is this a good thing?
9, January, 2018
There is a doomsday clock that tells us how close we are to the planet's self-destruction. Should there be a democracy clock to tell us how close we are to the end of democracy?
20, November, 2017
Do we see ourselves as human resources in our company, or just live assets being written down as the years progress?
14, August, 2014
Information is collected about each one of us every hour of the day. Do you trust that someone can combine that data in a way that reflects the truth much less presents a picture you want to bring out into the daylight.
15, December, 2013
How did the auto industry in Australia collapse, and is it a good or bad thing.