Category Archives: Asylum Seekers

Abbot Government Principles – what are they?

So what does Tony Abbott stand for?  What are the principles that guide his government?  The best way to understand the Abbott government principles is to look at what he has said and done.  Here are a few of the self evident principles that guide the Liberal government.

Principles regarding the Australian Voters

Principle 1.  Truth is not something that should concern a political party.  The main benefit of truth is if you can use “lack of truth” to discredit your opposition.

Proof:  The focus when in opposition on broken promises; the policy reversals on things like not touching super, no change to Medicare etc.

Principle 2.  People like instant gratification.  We do not have a duty to plan for the future.  We must do everything we can to live for today.

Proof:  Cuts to CSIRO; cuts to ABC including closing Radio Australia; pushing any budget savings into future years; delay superannuation contribution increases; cuts to unemployment support services.

Principle 3.  If you make everything sound simple, people will swallow anything.  The punters are not smart enough to handle complexity.

Proof:  The three word slogans; “Stop the boats”, “Axe the tax”, “Budget crisis”.  Even when almost every economist is saying there is no budget crisis, the government persists with their simplistic message.


Principles regarding Business

Principle 1.  The most important thing in Australia is ensuring businesses have the lowest possible costs.

Proof:  Effort to suppress wages and conditions; reduction in staff numbers by something like 25% at the ATO;  failure to crack down on 457 visas; little real effort to address international companies moving money offshore.

Principle 2.  Australia is open for business to overseas companies regardless of what happens to Australians and our local industries

Proof: No curbs to foreign investment in real estate; closure of the car industry; preference for buying submarines overseas; approval by FIRB to sell off our dairy industry; Woolworths South Africa to buy David Jones etc.


Principles regarding the Disadvantaged

Principle 1:  We need to reduce social welfare for those who cannot look after themselves.

Proof:  6 mths waiting period for unemployment benefits; no action on things like child care or structuring tax scales to support working mothers.

Principle 2:  We are not global citizens when it comes to contributing.  We only look after ourselves.

Proof:  Cuts to foreign aid; remove emission trading measures; don’t turn up at an international climate change conference.

Principle 3:  People should pay for their own medical treatment.  Medicare should be wound down and we should move to a US style medical arrangement.

Proof: Sell Medicare; Co-payment for doctor’s visits; increases proposed for PBS fees

Principle 4:  Refugees are some lesser life form.

Proof:  Treatment of refugees in detention centres; calling them “illegal immigrants” when they are not illegal; refusal to provide any information by using “operational information” as an excuse.


Principles regarding the Parliamentary Process

Principle 1:  We can frighten the press into not being critical of the Liberal party.

Proof:  Attempt to change legislation following the Andrew Bolt incident; proposed legislation relating to terrorism and press freedom; stacking the board of the ABC with right wing directors; cutting the budget of the ABC.

Principle 2:  When your opponent is down, look for a way to destroy them permanently.

Proof:  Royal commission into the construction industry;  constant attempts to taint Julia Gillard over events decades ago even though they have been dismissed several times; focus on Peter Slipper even though he had spent decades without his integrity being challenged as a Liberal member.

Principle 3:  Protect your own at all cost no matter what they do or say.

Proof:  Cory Bernardi and his many gaffs; Joe Hockey and his poor people don’t drive cars statement;  Various parliamentary expenditure incidents.


Principles regarding the Future Direction of Australia

Principle 1:  Australia would be a better place if we were more conservative, and upheld a christian morality.

Proof:  Opposition to gay marriage; comments by Abbott on the burqa;  polarization of the Islamic community through anti terror laws;  allowing people like Cory Bernardi to make the sorts of statements they do.

Principle 2.  Conservation is a cost to business that Australia should not have to pay.

Proof:  Where to start?  Axing the Emissions Trading Scheme; trying to scrap the Australian Renewable Energy Agency; attempts to scrap the renewable energy targets or at least reduce them; appointing a climate skeptic Dick Warburton, to review the renewable energy targets; having a policy for something called direct action that nobody can say will do anything.

Principle 3.  Education is overrated as a government responsibility.

Proof: Cuts to Gonski; Turning universities into commercial ventures; changes to HECS fees.


Just to summarise, here are the principles under which Australia is being managed.

  • Truth is not something that should concern a political party.  The main benefit of truth is if you can use “lack of truth” to discredit your opposition.
  • People like instant gratification.  We do not have a duty to plan for the future.  We must do everything we can to live for today.
  • If you make everything sound simple, people will swallow anything.  The punters are not smart enough to handle complexity.
  • The most important thing in Australia is ensuring businesses have the lowest possible costs.
  • Australia is open for business to overseas companies regardless of what happens to Australians and our local industries
  • We need to reduce social welfare for those who cannot look after themselves.
  • We are not global citizens when it comes to contributing.  We only look after ourselves.
  • People should pay for their own medical treatment.  Medicare should be wound down and we should move to a US style medical arrangement.
  • Refugees are some lesser life form.
  • We can frighten the press into not being critical of the Liberal party.
  • When your opponent is down, look for a way to destroy them permanently.
  • Protect your own at all cost no matter what they do or say.
  • Australia would be a better place if we were more conservative, and upheld a christian morality.
  • Conservation is a cost to business that Australia should not have to pay.
  • Education is overrated as a government responsibility.

If these are the principles under which we are being governed, how can you call yourself a proud Australian?