World Alliances in 2035

The past shapes the future. If we look at today, and the last fifty years, where are we pointed? Will NATO exist in ten years? Will the US be the dominant power? Here is one take on the future.

The Expansionist Alliance

Following the rule of Trump, then Vance in the US, and the threat or actual takeover of Canada, Panama, Gaza, and Greenland, the US joined forces with Russia, which has taken more of Ukraine in the last ten years. Russia has also occupied Latvia and Lithuania over recent years despite resistance from European countries.

As Trump put it, ‘Why should lines on maps define countries? What is important is what you do economically within those lines. If you can’t make a profit, get out of the way and let someone like America make a few bucks.’

Recently Vance, in his second term, has shown disgust at the civil wars within Africa. ‘We need to step in and end the bloodshed in the name of humanity. That is why I am sending American forces to take over the Congo, Botswana, Angola and Namibia. Once we have secured those, we will move on to making South Africa a state of the USA. They speak American there plus some other jibberish called Afrikaans’

When questioned whether it was just a coincidence that all these countries were rich in diamonds and cobalt, he replied. ‘If you can’t manage resources properly, the USA has an obligation to step in to save the world.’

He continues to gain support for exploiting the Arctic and Antarctic areas, demanding they be opened to mining and fishing by the USA. ‘Taking all those whales out of the ocean will lower sea levels.’

Israel has also joined the alliance after consolidating their occupation of Lebanon, Jordan, and parts of Egypt. Israel claimed those countries fostered antisemitic feelings towards Israel so occupation was a matter of national defence.

The Resistance Alliance

Canada and Mexico have a growing alliance to protect them from America. They have vowed that if America attacks one, the other will open a second front. Various smaller South American nations are also joining to protect themselves from the US.

The Population Alliance

China and India grow closer as they leverage over half of the world population into an economic powerhouse. A free trade agreement is boosting both economies after the trade wars of the mid-2020s. They export little to America now and have built their tariff walls to keep other nations out. Their economies continue to boom.

The Southern Alliance

Expanding ASEAN into an alliance of Southeast Asian Nations. Australia, New Zealand, The Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and smaller nations such as Vietnam and Cambodia are a block against potential invasion by the Expansionist or Population Alliances. Having now developed their own nuclear weapons, they made it clear they will not hesitate to use them if threatened.

The Arab Alliance

The Arab Alliances are still based around Sunni and Shite groups however, given the perceived threat from Israel, they are coming closer together. Iran is nuclear armed and is providing technology to other countries, such as Saudi Arabia, to develop weapons. UAE is close to having nuclear weapons, as is Qatar and Iraq.

One leader recently said that Sunni and Shite might have their differences, but they will evaporate if an aggressor emerges. It was a veiled threat to Israel to stick to its borders. It is thought that once they have the strength there will be a war of revenge for the Israeli expansion into Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt.

NATO Mark 2

The European nations combined with Britain to consolidate their military after the withdrawal of the US from NATO. They are currently supporting Latvia and Lithuania in their resistance to Russia. Britain has applied to rejoin the Common Market and is expected to be accepted this year.

The Rest

Many of the smaller African and South American Nations are without any formal alliances. Depending on what is offered, they tend to drift from one group to another. Most avoid the Expansionist Alliance as they fear they will be swallowed by one of the three players.

Outside the Alliances.

Aside from the forming of alliances, the world continues to warm, and severe weather events are the norm rather than the exception. With the likelihood of a global war, most countries have put off action on climate change. As the head of NATO recently said, ‘Why worry about saving the planet in 100 years when we will probably be blasted out of existence in the next decade?’

The Bird Flu epidemic is still raging and has wiped out tens of millions with no vaccine in sight. The Secretary of World Health said, ‘You think we would have learned from Covid, but instead, money was cut out of the budget and resources dragged away to work on chemical weapons. Weapons to kill people rather than save them. This is why we are where we are now.’

Fortunately, there is little concern in the Western World. Since Elon Musk bought Sky from Rupert Murdoch, information is filtered to remove content that some might find distressing. Rupert is now semi-retired and will soon marry his next wife.

Plus les choses changent, plus elles restent les mêmes

By Published On: 4, March, 20254.4 min read