6, February, 2025
Why do we have three tiers of government? Is there a better way?
16, February, 2023
The AEC sets electoral boundaries and runs elections. Read how it came into existence and what others can learn from Australia.
6, January, 2023
How much is enough to live on? Does it include an iPhone or an overseas holiday? It depends on what consumerism has told us.
15, May, 2022
Negative gearing is a unique Australian invention that is blamed for the lack of housing available to purchase. How do we extract ourselves from negative gearing?
12, December, 2020
What is happening with house prices, and how might some courses of action change the prices.
15, June, 2020
Gun control is not the only thing Australia can teach the USA. Our electoral system is light years ahead of America.
11, April, 2020
Covid was described as 'unimaginable'. Why? We have had epidemics before. The problem was that this time, we had no plan to handle it.
9, May, 2019
What is important to us from the government? Is it what will put money in our pockets, or is it what is good for the whole of society?
14, June, 2016
Do minor parties have a role in a two-party state? They can promise whatever they want with no chance of being accountable. Why have them?
14, May, 2016
A satirical look at what a building royal commission in 2046 might discover.