Exclusive Interview with Donald Trump
The Great Man has given an exclusive interview to MyComment. He outlines his plans and how it might impact Australia.
The Three Tiers of Government
Why do we have three tiers of government? Is there a better way?
Hamas – A Short History
How Hamas was formed and the early history.
Hezbollah – A Short History
How Hezbollah came into being and their history.
Israeli and Palestinian Conflicts
There have been many clashes between Israel and Palestine over the decades since 1947 when Israel was formed. Here are the details.
A History of Palestine
In a previous post I gave a thumbnail sketch of the countries in the Middle East. With the current war in Gaza, it is opportune to look more closely at the history of Palestine. [...]
An interview with ChatGPT
What happens when you interview ChatGPT?
Australian Electoral Commission
The AEC sets electoral boundaries and runs elections. Read how it came into existence and what others can learn from Australia.
Enough to Live On
How much is enough to live on? Does it include an iPhone or an overseas holiday? It depends on what consumerism has told us.
Some of us understand more visually than by reading text. Some things are better represented visually. Read how parking signs can be better presented visually than by text.
The impact of EV Batteries – Part two – Lithium
In the second part of our series we look at the damage inflicted by Lithium mining.
The Impact of EV Batteries – Part Three – Cobalt
In the final of our three-part series, we look at the mining of cobalt and the damage it brings.
The impact of EV Batteries – Part one. Nickel
This three-part series looks at the devastation caused by the mining of nickel, lithium and cobalt. It has impacts on people and the environment.
Referendums and Plebiscites
Are there ways for people to be more involved in government decisions? Referendums and plebiscites are one way. What is the difference between a referendum and a plebiscite?
Electric Cars – The real numbers
Are electric cars justifies from a financial perspective? There are a number of factors to take into account such as the impact of battery replacement on resale value.
USA – 2030
A light-hearted look at what the US might look like in 2030.
But what if we can’t
If our efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions fails, what then? One possible technology is DAC or direct air capture.
Social Empathy
Changing another person's entrenched views is an interesting exercise in empathy and suggestion. Read more.
Negative Gearing
Negative gearing is a unique Australian invention that is blamed for the lack of housing available to purchase. How do we extract ourselves from negative gearing?
What balance are we prepared to accept between taxation and overnment-provided social services?
Three Constraints on Democracy
Democracy does not mean a government can do what it wants. There are checks and balances. Here, we discuss three constraints on government.
The Fax on Vax
A government should have contingency plans for a variety of potential disasters. COVID-19 was a wake-up call. Is long-term planning just too hard, too expensive, and too time-consuming?
Is Democracy becoming Extinct?
Is democracy the best form of government and is it likely to be around in a hundred years?
Getting Rid of Old Laws
Trump's America is the prime example of cutting regulation. Should we do more in Australia, or is that a slippery slope?
The Journey to Normality
Why does social progress take so long? Why do some people resist change that will give us a better life?
Home Economics
What is happening with house prices, and how might some courses of action change the prices.
The WEIRD spectrum
WEIRD. It stands for Western – Educated – Industrialised – Rich – Democratic. Are we all a bit weird? How do other societies operate, and is it OK to be weird?
The Good Old Days
We all had it better in the good old days did'nt we? At least that is what the current generation tell us. Here are some of the things from the good old days you might want to tell your children and grandchildren.
Inconvenient Truths
We are programmed to hear the good story when we support something and the bad story when we oppose it. There are too many inconvenient truths.
Things America could learn from Australia
Gun control is not the only thing Australia can teach the USA. Our electoral system is light years ahead of America.
Socialism and Capitalism
Socialism and capitalism are often at war with one another but for our society to continue we must find ways to have them cooperate.
Handling the Unimaginable
Covid was described as 'unimaginable'. Why? We have had epidemics before. The problem was that this time, we had no plan to handle it.
Environmentalism or just Virtue Signalling
Environmentalism is about searching out the facts, then acting on them. There is too much 'virtue signalling' from some quarters to do something that has little impact but allows us to say we care about the planet.
A Brief History of the Middle East
Foreword. I started out to write a brief history. I failed. It turned into a lengthy document which is still only a superficial history. I hope you can persevere and come to the end [...]
Drought Relief
We think of farmers' demands for water as fixed and the supply of water as variable. What if we fix the amount of water a farmer receives on an annual basis, and the farmer can plan around that amount?
Morality and Perspective
Morality largely depends on your perspective. One person sees a particular incident as perfectly moral and another as totally immoral.
Wadda’ yu want
What do you want from politicians? Will you get it, or is it even realistic to demand it?
The Big Issue
What is important to us from the government? Is it what will put money in our pockets, or is it what is good for the whole of society?
Media. What you need or what you want
Media is a business out to make a profit. If providing us with what we say we want sold more newspapers, or got more viewers the media would do it. What do we really want?
Fighting the Wrong Fight
People do change opinions so we need to find the trigger that will explain a situation in their terms that leads to a different conclusion.
Anglicans not Radical Enough
It is not often a religious group is accused of being too moderate. This is one of those cases.
Rating the Modern World
How does the modern world stack up against older civilizations? What can we learn from the Incas?
Over Budget and Over Time
Projects, particularly infrastructure projects are consistently over budget and over time. Has anyone asked why?
Tariffs, Trump and Turmoil
Trump is the king of tariffs. Who do they hurt?
Business and Government – It’s in the BaG
There is usually a tension between business and government. Is this a good thing?
The Democracy Clock
There is a doomsday clock that tells us how close we are to the planet's self-destruction. Should there be a democracy clock to tell us how close we are to the end of democracy?
Human Resources or Live Assets?
Do we see ourselves as human resources in our company, or just live assets being written down as the years progress?
Do we need Countries
Take a thought experiment and think about what the world would be like if there were no countries and no borders.
Infrastructure – Be Patient
As soon as an idea is put forward excited politicians cannot wait to announce it. Stop. It may take years to estimate the cost and time required. It may even turn out not to be viable. Best to do the feasibility study first.
Creative Thinking in Politics
Creative thinking and politics conjure up images of rorting and dodgy accounting. However, innovative thinking should be applied to some of the problems governments face to find alternative solutions.
The Case for Government Regulation
Too much regulation is the call from business. Without that regulation, would we live in a better world? Perhaps it would a place where a business that was not prepared to bend the rules would fail.
Political Survival
How should we structure the power balance between the Public Service and Politicians?
Measuring the Benefits of Government Regulation
If you can't measure it, you can't manage it. Should we apply this to government regulation?
Home Affordability
Homes are becoming less affordable. What is going on?
Re-create the Middle Class
Most civilisations implode when the upper and lower classes get too far apart. A shrinking middle class is a sign of a civilisation in decline.
Labor and Unions. A Bonus for Democracy.
Unions may be in decline but they do have a purpose beyond their members. In Australia, they play a role in keeping a Labor party hones.
The role of Minor Parties
Do minor parties have a role in a two-party state? They can promise whatever they want with no chance of being accountable. Why have them?
The Crumbling Blocks Royal Commission – 2046
A satirical look at what a building royal commission in 2046 might discover.
Terrorists or “Intolerants”
Should 'terrorists' be re-classified as 'intolerants'? Many are so focused on their own ideology that they cannot tolerate any other.
The NRA Lobby
A humorous look at the NRA. Not the National Rifle Association but Nother Reality Association. Making fake news real.
David Bowie and Me
What do David Bowie and I have in common? One big thing.
A Sensible Tax Discussion
It is hard to have a sensible tax discussion in Australia. The losers drown out any reform that delivers winners and losers. How can we change antiquated and inefficient taxes?
Australia for Sale
Should we allow foreign land ownership in Australia? What about foreign mining?
Are Borders Moral
If all men are created equal, is it moral to have borders that restrict those equal men (and women) from trespassing on our piece of land?
The Terrorist Club
We need to identify the underlying belief that cause terrorist clubs to form, and address that belief. Offer the terrorists entry to another club.
Seven Refugee Issues we have Ignored
What are we facing as a world if we have so many refugees living in camps? One day they might decide not to wait peacefully for someone to adopt them.
A Rational Discussion about Tax
How is it possible to have a rational discussion about tax? Politicians are one impediment as the other side will always see political points to be scored.
From Trog to Abbott – Ethics and Religion
A humorous story of how man discovered a god and how it went bad after that.
A Slippery Slope
Government non-disclosure agreements are just another way to hide the facts from the public. Here are some NDA's and the impact of those agreements.
What do we want of a Government
Governments have a purpose, but it gets forgotten in the daily battle of the parties. What do we want from them, and how do we remind them?
What they said.
Should organisations and individuals be held responsible for the dire predictions that never came true?
Should Education be a Commercial Operation
When you introduce profit into education, you corrupt the process. Why should the be commercial aspects to education that favour the rich?
Tax avoiding Multinationals
Sir Frank Packer once said 'Only a mug pays tax.' Multinationals have made an art form of avoiding tax. What are some of the ways they do it?
Why Government Grants to First Home Buyers are a waste of time.
Who wins from grants to first home buyers? The seller who has two buyers with a grant in their pocket bidding against one another.
Penalty Rates on Sunday
Shopping has changed from a necessity to a hobby for many. If shops were not open on Sundays, who would win and who would lose?
Benellong and Asylum Seekers
If Bennelong had kept the British out in 1788, we would have a better country today. That is the reason we must keep out asylum seekers in their rickety boats.
Farmers and the Banks
If farmers had a guaranteed amount of water for the year, they could plan the most profitable crop. Banks might not like this model, Too much uncertainty.
How stupid are we
Responsibility and accountability are different things and get confused when we look at government. Read the difference and how it applies to politics.
An Insult to Doctors
Why do we have a split health system where Medicare cover part of the cost, and Health Funds cover other parts?
The Problem is the Unfairness of the Proposed Solution
There are long-term structural issues with Government budgets but nobody seems interested in addressing them. What should we do?
Make Foreign Investors sell homes to First Home Buyers
A pool of houses is available to first-time home buyers, including those owned by foreign investors. If a home is owned by a foreign investor and not used, it should be put on the market.
Sydney by Bullet Train
Why have we never developed bullet trains like those in Japan or Europe?
The Australian Philosophy
Is there an Australian philosophy for life or have we lost it. Our philosophy will determine how the country grows and evolves.
Metadata. Happy to have a record kept of every person you met?
Information is collected about each one of us every hour of the day. Do you trust that someone can combine that data in a way that reflects the truth much less presents a picture you want to bring out into the daylight.
Public Private Partnerships
There was a time that Public Private Partnerships were seen as a bonus to government. Has that day past?
Grey Power
Politicians should be frightened of Grey Power. These are people who have seen it all and are not ready to swallow what politicians tell them.
Between Gordon Gecko and Mother Theresa
A satirical look at the forces pulling politics in different directions.
Looking at Taxation from the Wrong Direction
Making sense of tax changes.
Pay them nothing because they are too young
Threshold tax changes rather than progressive tax changes can result in highly unfair outcomes.
Health Funds and Medicare
Should Health Funds be allowed to run their own clinics and hospitals? It will result in some inequalities in medical services.
MAC – Men Against Cushions
Rage against the cushions!!! Men, we need to combine to fight the stuffing of our houses with cushions. Join Men Against Cushions.
The Demise of the Auto Industry
How did the auto industry in Australia collapse, and is it a good or bad thing.