11, February, 2025
The Great Man has given an exclusive interview to MyComment. He outlines his plans and how it might impact Australia.
8, November, 2023
There have been many clashes between Israel and Palestine over the decades since 1947 when Israel was formed. Here are the details.
16, February, 2023
The AEC sets electoral boundaries and runs elections. Read how it came into existence and what others can learn from Australia.
6, January, 2023
How much is enough to live on? Does it include an iPhone or an overseas holiday? It depends on what consumerism has told us.
7, December, 2022
Some of us understand more visually than by reading text. Some things are better represented visually. Read how parking signs can be better presented visually than by text.
27, October, 2022
In the second part of our series we look at the damage inflicted by Lithium mining.