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Most Recent Posts
11, February, 2025
The Great Man has given an exclusive interview to MyComment. He outlines his plans and how it might impact Australia.
6, February, 2025
Why do we have three tiers of government? Is there a better way?
A Random Selection
Covid was described as 'unimaginable'. Why? We have had epidemics before. The problem was that this time, we had no plan to handle it.
We are programmed to hear the good story when we support something and the bad story when we oppose it. There are too many inconvenient truths.
If you can't measure it, you can't manage it. Should we apply this to government regulation?
A humorous story of how man discovered a god and how it went bad after that.
what’s trending
11, February, 2025
The Great Man has given an exclusive interview to MyComment. He outlines his plans and how it might impact Australia.
6, February, 2025
Why do we have three tiers of government? Is there a better way?
editor’s pick
16, December, 2013
Rage against the cushions!!! Men, we need to combine to fight the stuffing of our houses with cushions. Join Men Against Cushions.
14, May, 2016
A satirical look at what a building royal commission in 2046 might discover.