
I read the papers and watch TV and everything happens in a few minutes of reporting. Everything is so simple. Why can’t we just implement these obvious solutions?

This blog tries to get beyond headlines and media grabs. Most of the problems we face today are highly complex. There is a thing called the “Dunning Kruger Effect” which says that the less people know about a subject, the more adamant they are in stating their position. Those who are experts usually see a completely different and complex solution.

This blog is an attempt to state a view and start a discussion.

Please join me and try to make the country a more thoughtful place and add your comment.

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Recent Posts

  • Tony Abbott. A personality profile.

    Daily we are subjected to comment on the Liberal government.  They rang from propaganda to outright slander.  In this post, I will try and take a step back and look at the facts.  Analyse what we know of our Prime Minister Tony Abbott.  What sort of person is he?  Aside from the media performance, what does…

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  • The ABC, Tony Abbott and flashing red lights

    Whenever Abbott attacks the ABC, red lights start to flash.  Abbott is ideologically, and fanatically, opposed to the ABC.  I am sure if you look long enough you will find something nice he said, but it was probably a back handed comment.  He would claim it was a mis-quote.  When he criticises Q&A for having…

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  • Drip, drip, drip

    Drip, drip, drip…. “Is that a leak?” asked Chairman Abbott during a quiet moment in the Cabinet room. “Wasn’t me.” was the response from all present.  Several shifted uncomfortably in their chairs.  All except one who cannot be named.  He fiddled under the table with the digital radio so kindly provided by a constituent.  First race…

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