An opinion should be based on facts. There are two aspects to this statement. Firstly, what are the facts, and secondly, how do you put the facts together to create an opinon? The My Comment blog tries to understand and explain the facts. It tries to put them together in a way that might reach a different conclusion. Provide a different view. Drag out some facts that are not well known and even explore why they may have been hidden.

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  • Education is a right

    When you introduce profit into education, you corrupt the process. Why should the be commercial aspects to education that favour the rich?

  • A humorous look at the NRA. Not the National Rifle Association but Nother Reality Association. Making fake news real.

  • Japanese bullet train

    Why have we never developed bullet trains like those in Japan or Europe?

  • Sunday trading

    Shopping has changed from a necessity to a hobby for many. If shops were not open on Sundays, who would win and who would lose?

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