
I read the papers and watch TV and everything happens in a few minutes of reporting. Everything is so simple. Why can’t we just implement these obvious solutions?

This blog tries to get beyond headlines and media grabs. Most of the problems we face today are highly complex. There is a thing called the “Dunning Kruger Effect” which says that the less people know about a subject, the more adamant they are in stating their position. Those who are experts usually see a completely different and complex solution.

This blog is an attempt to state a view and start a discussion.

Please join me and try to make the country a more thoughtful place and add your comment.

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Recent Posts

  • MAC – Men Against Cushions

    This is a call to arms.  We men need to take a stand against cushions.  Hence the launch of MAC – Men Against Cushions.  Here is our manifesto. MAC Manifesto Cushions are an evil invention of women.  They have been lurking for years and are now arising to take over out homes.  The following are…

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  • The Demise of the Auto Industry

    There is a lot of angst about the demise of the auto industry in Australia.  It predominantly comes from people who have not bought an Australian car in decades.  Let’s look at it from a marketing/manufacturing perspective. I hear people say “Why don’t they build a car people want?” Typically this means a small to…

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  • Abbott Cabinet Reshuffle

    We need Tony Abbott (aka The Man who Rewrote History) to do a Cabinet Reshuffle; Christopher Pyne to Communication Minister.  He will bring his considerable media presence to the role.  His ability to answer a question he has not been asked is unique.  In addition he is the most experienced minister in doing backflips.  We definitely…

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