
I read the papers and watch TV and everything happens in a few minutes of reporting. Everything is so simple. Why can’t we just implement these obvious solutions?

This blog tries to get beyond headlines and media grabs. Most of the problems we face today are highly complex. There is a thing called the “Dunning Kruger Effect” which says that the less people know about a subject, the more adamant they are in stating their position. Those who are experts usually see a completely different and complex solution.

This blog is an attempt to state a view and start a discussion.

Please join me and try to make the country a more thoughtful place and add your comment.

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Recent Posts

  • Exquisite Karma

    I try not to gloat but such exquisite karma is rare.  Tony Abbott.  The self announced international statesman up to his armpits in political excreta.  Should I throw him a snorkel as he slowly submerges so I can enjoy the spectacle longer, or just bash him down with a bicycle pump?  Such philosophical questions. He…

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  • The First Hockey Budget

    The press interview might go something like this. “So Mr Hockey, in a few months you will deliver the first Hockey budget.  I believe there will be some changes as to how the next budget is delivered.” “That’s right.” “Can you explain what those changes might be?” “Well, we won’t be releasing the full document…

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  • NSA and News of the World Phone Tapping

    Is it just me?  We have two parallel international stories running at the moment that are linked. NSA spying on world leaders News of the World spying on celebrities In one, the government says sorry, but it is how the world works.  Can we now move on please. In the other case, the UK Court…

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