25, May, 2021
Is democracy the best form of government and is it likely to be around in a hundred years?
8, March, 2021
Trump's America is the prime example of cutting regulation. Should we do more in Australia, or is that a slippery slope?
4, January, 2021
Why does social progress take so long? Why do some people resist change that will give us a better life?
12, December, 2020
What is happening with house prices, and how might some courses of action change the prices.
16, October, 2020
WEIRD. It stands for Western – Educated – Industrialised – Rich – Democratic. Are we all a bit weird? How do other societies operate, and is it OK to be weird?
10, August, 2020
We all had it better in the good old days did'nt we? At least that is what the current generation tell us. Here are some of the things from the good old days you might want to tell your children and grandchildren.
24, July, 2020
We are programmed to hear the good story when we support something and the bad story when we oppose it. There are too many inconvenient truths.
15, June, 2020
Gun control is not the only thing Australia can teach the USA. Our electoral system is light years ahead of America.
28, April, 2020
Socialism and capitalism are often at war with one another but for our society to continue we must find ways to have them cooperate.
11, April, 2020
Covid was described as 'unimaginable'. Why? We have had epidemics before. The problem was that this time, we had no plan to handle it.