9, January, 2020
Environmentalism is about searching out the facts, then acting on them. There is too much 'virtue signalling' from some quarters to do something that has little impact but allows us to say we care about the planet.
4, December, 2019
8, November, 2019
We think of farmers' demands for water as fixed and the supply of water as variable. What if we fix the amount of water a farmer receives on an annual basis, and the farmer can plan around that amount?
25, October, 2019
Morality largely depends on your perspective. One person sees a particular incident as perfectly moral and another as totally immoral.
19, June, 2019
What do you want from politicians? Will you get it, or is it even realistic to demand it?
9, May, 2019
What is important to us from the government? Is it what will put money in our pockets, or is it what is good for the whole of society?
22, February, 2019
Media is a business out to make a profit. If providing us with what we say we want sold more newspapers, or got more viewers the media would do it. What do we really want?
29, December, 2018
People do change opinions so we need to find the trigger that will explain a situation in their terms that leads to a different conclusion.
5, November, 2018
It is not often a religious group is accused of being too moderate. This is one of those cases.
2, October, 2018
How does the modern world stack up against older civilizations? What can we learn from the Incas?