29, December, 2018
People do change opinions so we need to find the trigger that will explain a situation in their terms that leads to a different conclusion.
5, November, 2018
It is not often a religious group is accused of being too moderate. This is one of those cases.
2, October, 2018
How does the modern world stack up against older civilizations? What can we learn from the Incas?
3, August, 2018
Projects, particularly infrastructure projects are consistently over budget and over time. Has anyone asked why?
5, May, 2018
There is usually a tension between business and government. Is this a good thing?
9, January, 2018
There is a doomsday clock that tells us how close we are to the planet's self-destruction. Should there be a democracy clock to tell us how close we are to the end of democracy?
20, November, 2017
Do we see ourselves as human resources in our company, or just live assets being written down as the years progress?
24, October, 2017
Take a thought experiment and think about what the world would be like if there were no countries and no borders.
20, August, 2017
As soon as an idea is put forward excited politicians cannot wait to announce it. Stop. It may take years to estimate the cost and time required. It may even turn out not to be viable. Best to do the feasibility study first.