26, February, 2017
If you can't measure it, you can't manage it. Should we apply this to government regulation?
30, June, 2016
Most civilisations implode when the upper and lower classes get too far apart. A shrinking middle class is a sign of a civilisation in decline.
17, June, 2016
Unions may be in decline but they do have a purpose beyond their members. In Australia, they play a role in keeping a Labor party hones.
14, June, 2016
Do minor parties have a role in a two-party state? They can promise whatever they want with no chance of being accountable. Why have them?
14, May, 2016
A satirical look at what a building royal commission in 2046 might discover.
4, April, 2016
Should 'terrorists' be re-classified as 'intolerants'? Many are so focused on their own ideology that they cannot tolerate any other.
10, March, 2016
A humorous look at the NRA. Not the National Rifle Association but Nother Reality Association. Making fake news real.
7, February, 2016
It is hard to have a sensible tax discussion in Australia. The losers drown out any reform that delivers winners and losers. How can we change antiquated and inefficient taxes?