10, March, 2016
A humorous look at the NRA. Not the National Rifle Association but Nother Reality Association. Making fake news real.
7, February, 2016
It is hard to have a sensible tax discussion in Australia. The losers drown out any reform that delivers winners and losers. How can we change antiquated and inefficient taxes?
24, January, 2016
Should we allow foreign land ownership in Australia? What about foreign mining?
17, July, 2015
How is it possible to have a rational discussion about tax? Politicians are one impediment as the other side will always see political points to be scored.
13, July, 2015
A humorous story of how man discovered a god and how it went bad after that.
13, June, 2015
Government non-disclosure agreements are just another way to hide the facts from the public. Here are some NDA's and the impact of those agreements.
21, January, 2015
If Bennelong had kept the British out in 1788, we would have a better country today. That is the reason we must keep out asylum seekers in their rickety boats.
15, December, 2014
Responsibility and accountability are different things and get confused when we look at government. Read the difference and how it applies to politics.
4, December, 2014
There are long-term structural issues with Government budgets but nobody seems interested in addressing them. What should we do?
19, October, 2014
A pool of houses is available to first-time home buyers, including those owned by foreign investors. If a home is owned by a foreign investor and not used, it should be put on the market.