24, February, 2025
Am I an Anti-Semite? According to Merriam-Webster I am.
6, January, 2023
How much is enough to live on? Does it include an iPhone or an overseas holiday? It depends on what consumerism has told us.
3, June, 2022
Changing another person's entrenched views is an interesting exercise in empathy and suggestion. Read more.
15, May, 2022
Negative gearing is a unique Australian invention that is blamed for the lack of housing available to purchase. How do we extract ourselves from negative gearing?
2, December, 2021
Democracy does not mean a government can do what it wants. There are checks and balances. Here, we discuss three constraints on government.
12, December, 2020
What is happening with house prices, and how might some courses of action change the prices.
16, October, 2020
WEIRD. It stands for Western – Educated – Industrialised – Rich – Democratic. Are we all a bit weird? How do other societies operate, and is it OK to be weird?
10, August, 2020
We all had it better in the good old days did'nt we? At least that is what the current generation tell us. Here are some of the things from the good old days you might want to tell your children and grandchildren.
25, October, 2019
Morality largely depends on your perspective. One person sees a particular incident as perfectly moral and another as totally immoral.
22, February, 2019
Media is a business out to make a profit. If providing us with what we say we want sold more newspapers, or got more viewers the media would do it. What do we really want?