13, March, 2025
A great article by producer and director Ron Howard on his political philosophy
6, January, 2023
How much is enough to live on? Does it include an iPhone or an overseas holiday? It depends on what consumerism has told us.
28, April, 2020
Socialism and capitalism are often at war with one another but for our society to continue we must find ways to have them cooperate.
2, October, 2018
How does the modern world stack up against older civilizations? What can we learn from the Incas?
4, May, 2017
Too much regulation is the call from business. Without that regulation, would we live in a better world? Perhaps it would a place where a business that was not prepared to bend the rules would fail.
30, June, 2016
Most civilisations implode when the upper and lower classes get too far apart. A shrinking middle class is a sign of a civilisation in decline.
24, January, 2016
Should we allow foreign land ownership in Australia? What about foreign mining?
21, April, 2015
Should organisations and individuals be held responsible for the dire predictions that never came true?
2, January, 2015
If farmers had a guaranteed amount of water for the year, they could plan the most profitable crop. Banks might not like this model, Too much uncertainty.
8, August, 2014
There was a time that Public Private Partnerships were seen as a bonus to government. Has that day past?