3, August, 2018
Projects, particularly infrastructure projects are consistently over budget and over time. Has anyone asked why?
5, May, 2018
There is usually a tension between business and government. Is this a good thing?
20, November, 2017
Do we see ourselves as human resources in our company, or just live assets being written down as the years progress?
20, August, 2017
As soon as an idea is put forward excited politicians cannot wait to announce it. Stop. It may take years to estimate the cost and time required. It may even turn out not to be viable. Best to do the feasibility study first.
4, May, 2017
Too much regulation is the call from business. Without that regulation, would we live in a better world? Perhaps it would a place where a business that was not prepared to bend the rules would fail.
17, July, 2015
How is it possible to have a rational discussion about tax? Politicians are one impediment as the other side will always see political points to be scored.
17, April, 2015
When you introduce profit into education, you corrupt the process. Why should the be commercial aspects to education that favour the rich?
22, March, 2015
Who wins from grants to first home buyers? The seller who has two buyers with a grant in their pocket bidding against one another.
14, August, 2014
Information is collected about each one of us every hour of the day. Do you trust that someone can combine that data in a way that reflects the truth much less presents a picture you want to bring out into the daylight.
12, January, 2014
Should Health Funds be allowed to run their own clinics and hospitals? It will result in some inequalities in medical services.