6, February, 2025
Why do we have three tiers of government? Is there a better way?
15, May, 2022
Negative gearing is a unique Australian invention that is blamed for the lack of housing available to purchase. How do we extract ourselves from negative gearing?
2, December, 2021
Democracy does not mean a government can do what it wants. There are checks and balances. Here, we discuss three constraints on government.
12, December, 2020
What is happening with house prices, and how might some courses of action change the prices.
8, November, 2019
We think of farmers' demands for water as fixed and the supply of water as variable. What if we fix the amount of water a farmer receives on an annual basis, and the farmer can plan around that amount?
30, June, 2016
Most civilisations implode when the upper and lower classes get too far apart. A shrinking middle class is a sign of a civilisation in decline.
7, February, 2016
It is hard to have a sensible tax discussion in Australia. The losers drown out any reform that delivers winners and losers. How can we change antiquated and inefficient taxes?
17, July, 2015
How is it possible to have a rational discussion about tax? Politicians are one impediment as the other side will always see political points to be scored.
12, April, 2015
Sir Frank Packer once said 'Only a mug pays tax.' Multinationals have made an art form of avoiding tax. What are some of the ways they do it?