• Palestine and Israeli Flags
A History of Palestine

3, November, 2023|

In a previous post I gave a thumbnail sketch of the countries in the Middle East. With the current war in Gaza, it is opportune to look more closely at the history of Palestine. [...]

Enough to Live On

6, January, 2023|

How much is enough to live on? Does it include an iPhone or an overseas holiday? It depends on what consumerism has told us.


7, December, 2022|

Some of us understand more visually than by reading text. Some things are better represented visually. Read how parking signs can be better presented visually than by text.

  • referendums and plebescites
Referendums and Plebiscites

6, September, 2022|

Are there ways for people to be more involved in government decisions? Referendums and plebiscites are one way. What is the difference between a referendum and a plebiscite?

Social Empathy

3, June, 2022|

Changing another person's entrenched views is an interesting exercise in empathy and suggestion. Read more.

  • negative gearing
Negative Gearing

15, May, 2022|

Negative gearing is a unique Australian invention that is blamed for the lack of housing available to purchase. How do we extract ourselves from negative gearing?


23, April, 2022|

What balance are we prepared to accept between taxation and overnment-provided social services?

  • covid quarantine
The Fax on Vax

14, August, 2021|

A government should have contingency plans for a variety of potential disasters. COVID-19 was a wake-up call. Is long-term planning just too hard, too expensive, and too time-consuming?

  • Social structures
The WEIRD spectrum

16, October, 2020|

WEIRD. It stands for Western – Educated – Industrialised – Rich – Democratic. Are we all a bit weird? How do other societies operate, and is it OK to be weird?

  • OK Boomer
The Good Old Days

10, August, 2020|

We all had it better in the good old days did'nt we? At least that is what the current generation tell us. Here are some of the things from the good old days you might want to tell your children and grandchildren.

  • Laudanum bottle
Inconvenient Truths

24, July, 2020|

We are programmed to hear the good story when we support something and the bad story when we oppose it. There are too many inconvenient truths.

  • Wind Turbines
Environmentalism or just Virtue Signalling

9, January, 2020|

Environmentalism is about searching out the facts, then acting on them. There is too much 'virtue signalling' from some quarters to do something that has little impact but allows us to say we care about the planet.

A Brief History of the Middle East

4, December, 2019|

Foreword. I started out to write a brief history. I failed. It turned into a lengthy document which is still only a superficial history. I hope you can persevere and come to the end [...]

  • Dry pasture in a drought
Drought Relief

8, November, 2019|

We think of farmers' demands for water as fixed and the supply of water as variable. What if we fix the amount of water a farmer receives on an annual basis, and the farmer can plan around that amount?

  • middle class workers
The Big Issue

9, May, 2019|

What is important to us from the government? Is it what will put money in our pockets, or is it what is good for the whole of society?

Fighting the Wrong Fight

29, December, 2018|

People do change opinions so we need to find the trigger that will explain a situation in their terms that leads to a different conclusion.

  • Multinationals rule the world
The Democracy Clock

9, January, 2018|

There is a doomsday clock that tells us how close we are to the planet's self-destruction. Should there be a democracy clock to tell us how close we are to the end of democracy?

  • complexity
Infrastructure – Be Patient

20, August, 2017|

As soon as an idea is put forward excited politicians cannot wait to announce it. Stop. It may take years to estimate the cost and time required. It may even turn out not to be viable. Best to do the feasibility study first.

  • Solar power on poles
Creative Thinking in Politics

28, June, 2017|

Creative thinking and politics conjure up images of rorting and dodgy accounting. However, innovative thinking should be applied to some of the problems governments face to find alternative solutions.

  • Capitalism
The Case for Government Regulation

4, May, 2017|

Too much regulation is the call from business. Without that regulation, would we live in a better world? Perhaps it would a place where a business that was not prepared to bend the rules would fail.

The NRA Lobby

10, March, 2016|

A humorous look at the NRA. Not the National Rifle Association but Nother Reality Association. Making fake news real.

A Sensible Tax Discussion

7, February, 2016|

It is hard to have a sensible tax discussion in Australia. The losers drown out any reform that delivers winners and losers. How can we change antiquated and inefficient taxes?

  • Changing countries
Are Borders Moral

3, January, 2016|

If all men are created equal, is it moral to have borders that restrict those equal men (and women) from trespassing on our piece of land?

  • poison capsule
The Terrorist Club

22, November, 2015|

We need to identify the underlying belief that cause terrorist clubs to form, and address that belief. Offer the terrorists entry to another club.

  • Undercover
A Slippery Slope

13, June, 2015|

Government non-disclosure agreements are just another way to hide the facts from the public. Here are some NDA's and the impact of those agreements.

  • asylum seekers
Benellong and Asylum Seekers

21, January, 2015|

If Bennelong had kept the British out in 1788, we would have a better country today. That is the reason we must keep out asylum seekers in their rickety boats.

  • Drought
Farmers and the Banks

2, January, 2015|

If farmers had a guaranteed amount of water for the year, they could plan the most profitable crop. Banks might not like this model, Too much uncertainty.

  • Expressing an opinion
How stupid are we

15, December, 2014|

Responsibility and accountability are different things and get confused when we look at government. Read the difference and how it applies to politics.

  • gray power
Grey Power

4, July, 2014|

Politicians should be frightened of Grey Power. These are people who have seen it all and are not ready to swallow what politicians tell them.